Nitchka Granger

Nitchka Granger


Legislative Policy Analyst

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Lake Charles, LA



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Discover the Story Behind the Spotlight

Nitchka Starling Granger is a noteworthy thought leader in family transformation. As Founding CEO of her nonprofit organization, Firm of Purpose®, Ms. Granger brings to her work her core value of the family dynamic, a wealth of development for women and children who have been traumatically impacted by the United States criminal legal system. Nitchka’s passion is the contemplation of the U.S. Constitutional Law. She is an advocate for criminal legal reform, public education reform, housing for women in the reentry process after incarceration, and spiritual empowerment. Nitchka’s repertoire of experience and expertise is in family life coaching, self-development, and growth. She has devised a curriculum based on purpose and wisdom. In the development and growth process, Nitchka teaches the values of diligence and the transformational mindset of never giving up on God’s gifts. She is commissioned to impart to women heads of households to take responsibility to absolve disunity and dysfunction of the family by doing the work of releasing past pain and past dysfunctions so as to create absolute freedom of choices in forgiveness and focused momentum moving forward on purpose. Ms. Granger has served as a board member and partner with Rise Above Organization, a nonprofit organization whose ideal is the same in profoundly and purposefully impacting families. Nitchka agreeably considers Mrs. Rosa Parks’ stance in her womanhood of being the “Mother of Modern-Day Civil Rights Movement.” Mrs. Parks is the epitome of human dignity and truth to power. Nitchka also believes in the principal quote of author Etty Hillesum, who said it best, “I do believe it is possible to create even without ever writing a word or painting a picture by simply molding one’s inner life, and that too is a deed.” As “Mother Mentor” and Family Life Coach, Nitchka’s belief is in the prolific principles of service, purpose, faith, courage, passion, but most profoundly, the execution of ideas.

Ms. Granger’s lived experience of parenting solo evolved into resourceful resiliency that is unstoppable. She advocated for latchkey children, believes in parental involvement in our children’s educational endeavors, and exposes youth to a plethora of extra curricula activities. Nitchka coaches Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) track and field of the Southwest Jets Track Club. She is also the author of her soon-to-be-released book, The Labor Has Begun – My Greatest, Most Earnest, Expected Hope. Nitchka has served in the capacity of Americorps VISTA for the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), a federal agency for volunteerism and domestic national service addressing the nation’s pressing challenges, improving lives and communities, and strengthening civic engagement. She has served as Project Manager for American Red Cross, Faith Relations Director for Habitat for Humanity, and Community Development Officer for Project Vida Medical Clinic in El Paso, Texas.

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“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

Maya Angelou - I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings