Alisa Smedley
CEO / Founder
Coach Smedley's Training Center
Speaker Details
Albany, NY
Available In
North America
Educational Accomplishments
Criminal Justice
University of Maryland
2016 to 2020
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Top Five
Discover the Story Behind the Spotlight
Coach Smedley has worked in corrections for over 15 years. As a correctional educator, she has worked in the community and inside a maximum security correctional facility. As the child of an incarcerated father who served 15 years, she brings insight and passion to re-entry. Smedley has been a recovery provider with the state of Ohio, worked in several non-profits and managed a community development corporation.
"On the number line of life, I was born at -20," the opening line of my book - Embracing Your Story - tells the reality of my childhood. Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio I had to overcome many barriers including a mild learning disability that went undiagnosed for years. I never let the pain "stick to my soul" but chose to embrace my joy, hope, and optimism for life. I am open to sharing my testimony with diverse audiences.
Why choose me?
Positive, energetic, and experienced speaker on matters related to overcoming childhood trauma.
I had the privilege to hire Ms. Smedley on a few occasions to speak to families, and women specifically, about empowerment, resilience, and being self-sufficient. Our Sister 2 Sister Circle Women's Support Group has used her book, “Embracing Your Story: How to Build a Great Life Out of Hardships” for support, understanding, and talking points for discussion. Ms. Smedley support and service has enhanced our community-based, two-generational, and 5 Protective Factors for Strengthening Families Approach driven programming here at our Family Success Center. - Terrance Davis
- Middle Atlantic States Corrections Association (MASCA)
- Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE)
- Correctional Education Association - PA
- Correctional Education Association - NJ Chapter
- Correctional Education Association - WS
- Iowa Department of Correction
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“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
Maya Angelou - I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings